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Research & Education Groups

Jack Davidson's Group

Professor Davidson's current research interests are focused on the areas of computer security, run-time management of applications running on multi-core systems, and computer science education.

Jefferson's Wheel

Professor Evans heads Jefferson’s Wheel, a security research group that focuses on obtaining a better knowledge of computer security while also improving it.

Mohammad Mahmoody's Group

Professor Mahmoody has helped prove the impossibility of cryptography using tamperable randomness and the lower bounds on the computational assumptions behind code obfuscation, along with other findings.

Yuan Tian's Group

Professor Tian's primary focus is to develop technologies that ensure that the Internet of Things and mobile devices stay secure.


CyberHoos aims to increase awareness about current cybersecurity threats and how to protect ourselves and our community from them.

Link Lab

The Link Lab was created as part of a new initiative at UVa to create a world-class center of excellence in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). This initiative begins with over two dozen faculty drawn from multiple departments and will build upon existing strengths, such as UVa’s pioneering work in areas such as Body Sensors, Smart Buildings, Wireless Health, Resilient Infrastructure, and Intelligent Transportation Systems.

Clubs and Organizations

Computer and Network Security Club

The Computer and Network Security Club is a contracted independent organization at UVA that seeks to improve knowledge and understanding about digital security by hosting speakers, attending competitions, explaining cybersecurity concepts, and more.

Hackers @ UVA

Hackers @ UVA organizes hack.uva, UVA’s largest hackathon, as well as workshops with companies or other CIOs.  

National CCDC

The National CCDC Competition is a yearly competition designed to test how well students can manage a business server and protect against cybersecurity threats.


NYU-CSAW is the largest student-run cybersecurity event in the world, with workshops, competitions, and industry events spanning the course of a week.